#244 I Love Portland

01 September 2013 // Portland, Oregon

One of my favorite cities in the world. Maybe I’ll live here someday.

#245 Seattle Day Trip

02 September 2013 // Seattle, Washington

Took the trip up with Matt to Seattle for the day– roamed around Pike Place, circled the perimeter of Bumbershoot, and got in some good tea at the UW area.

#246 Jade and Justin on the Grilled Cheese Bus

03 September 2013 // Portland, Oregon

An old school bus converted into a grilled cheese restaurant. Another reason I love Portland.

#247 Multnomah Falls

04 September 2013 // Multnomah Falls, Oregon

One awesome, beautiful waterfall. Oh, and while Matt and I were here, we witnessed a proposal. That was pretty cool.

#248 2Eggz

05 September 2013 // Sacramento, California

Got breakfast with April and Matt while passing through Sacramento. Ordered one egg sunny side up and one poached. How very accommodating of Black Bear Diner to not only accept my complicated request, but I also got an extra poached egg.

#249 First Night Set Up

06 September 2013 // Bakersfield, California

First night spent in Bakersfield as a resident… also the first night in over a year that I’ve had my own place.

#250 New Friend Chamodh

07 September 2013 // Bakersfield, California

Grabbing some Dewar’s with my new friend Chamodh from Sri Lanka.

#251 Sunday Girl

08 September 2013 // Bakersfield, California

I love Sundays, and I love how after church is a perfect window of quality time to spend with Dee

#252 Dia De Los Errands

09 September 2013 // Bakersfield, California

Moving in means a lot of random things you need to buy that you don’t typically pick up on a weekly grocery run. At least now I’m finally living somewhere with a Target

#253 Catching Up With Meaghan

10 September 2013 // Bakersfield, California

Got to spend some time with Meaghan hanging out at Dagny’s and getting caught up on life these days.

#254 I’m A Fan

11 September 2013 // Bakersfield, California

An essential player when it comes to life in Bakersfield.

#255 Pieology with Sam and Dee

12 September 2013 // Northridge, California

Visited Sam and Matt while in L.A., and got some good pizza while we were at it.

#256 These RMs

13 September 2013 // Torrance, California

Took a pit stop at the LiNK office to drop off some doughnuts with the Fall 2013 Nomads… just before they launch for their Bridge to North Korea tour.

#257 View from the Crabcatcher

14 September 2013 // La Jolla, California

Got a really nice meal at this La Jolla restaurant, all thanks to Groupon.

#258 The Crab Hut

15 September 2013 // San Diego, California

Got a chance to catch up with the Orlinas in San Diego over some good shellfish.

#259 Stone + Cloth

16 September 2013 // Bakersfield, California

Finally! I’ve wanted a Stone + Cloth backpack for a really long time.

#260 Bellissima

17 September 2013 // Bakersfield, California

Ran some errands to get paperwork processed in order for me to begin work as a substitute teacher soon.

#261 Covenant Coffee Afternoon

18 September 2013 // Oildale, California

Spent time in one of my new favorite Bakersfield coffee stops- Covenant Coffee. Good coffee, and a solid mission, too.

#262 Peanut Park

19 September 2013 // Bakersfield, California

Deanna had a little time before class so we went to Peanut Park to continue our game of P-I-G with a pinecone and basketball hoop in disrepair.

#263 International Student Welcome

20 September 2013 // Bakersfield, California

Had a good evening with my new friends from all over the world at the International Student Welcome dinner. The international student hangouts continue!

#264 A Picnic in the Park

21 September 2013 // Sequoia National Forest, California

Had an awesome picnic in the park planned for a date with Deanna. Then a dust storm came through town, so we took it to Sequoia National Forest. How’s that for adaptable?

#265 Snaggletoothed Fluff

22 September 2013 // Bakersfield, California

One of my favorite parts of our small group– the cats that come in and out of the room are too hard to take seriously.

#266 Late in the Kitchen

23 September 2013 // Bakersfield, California

One of my favorite parts of having my own place again is having a workspace to cook up some meals. Been a while since I’ve been able to get experimental.

#267 The Rental Jetta

24 September 2013 // Bakersfield, California

While my car was undergoing some very minor repairs, I got to drive around in a Jetta, pretending I’m from Oregon.

#268 Los Angeles

25 September 2013 // Los Angeles, California

Spent a pretty spectacular day in L.A. with Deanna, getting Thai food and getting to explore the Griffith Observatory.

#269 Red in the Room

26 September 2013 // Bakersfield, California

In order to keep the room cool, I use a red blanket as a makeshift temperature curtain. The red glow, though, is a little counterproductive. Gives you an idea of how hot the room can get!

#270 Zack’s Improv Show

27 September 2013 // Bakersfield, California

Deanna and I got to spend an evening seeing our friend Zack perform some improv with his team downtown.

#271 State Street Visit

28 September 2013 // Santa Barbara, California

On a day trip to Santa Barbara with international students, Deanna and I spent some good time up and down State Street, exploring salt caves, and visiting old friends

#272 Back for the Lemon Festival

29 September 2013 // Goleta, California

Deanna and my visit coincided with an old favorite event– the Depressing Lemon Festival featuring surprisingly potent lemon beer.

#273 Subbing

30 September 2013 // Bakersfield, California

After weeks and weeks of paperwork and physicals, I finally began my job as a substitute teacher.




#213 The Queen and Dee

01 August 2013 // London, England

While waiting at the Picadilly Circus area, Dee and I went to escape the heat in one of the most touristy shops around. That turned out this gem of a picture.

#214 Return to Potters Bar

02 August 2013 // Potters Bar, England

After living almost a month out of a single backpack, I returned to my base camp- Tim’s place! We also had a lot of catching up to do after his own trip to Northern Sweden.

#215 Branston Pickle

03 August 2013 // Potters Bar, England

Took a diversion from a rainy day in to stock up on more English snacks… Pickle being among my favorite.

#216 Sneaky Bunnies

04 August 2013 // London, England

At Deanna’s farewell dinner in Southall, she, Tim, and I got to play Sneaky Bunnies with five-year-old Joy. It’s a tough game once you land on Grumpy Farmer.

#217 The Backpack Life

05 August 2013 // Potters Bar, England

I spent the majority of July pretty much living only off of the contents of this bag. Now it’s time for round two- three more weeks, but this time with Deanna along for the whole thing.

#218 Amsterdam Canal

06 August 2013 // Amsterdam, Netherlands

After touring the Anne Frank House and having dinner, DeannaCatherine, and I spent the rest of our evening catching up on life at this sweet canal.

#219 Amsterdam Icebar

07 August 2013 // Amsterdam, Netherlands

Went with Dee and Catherine to the Icebar- drinks out of ice pint glasses and a very strange 3D movie to boot.

#220 Cheese Tasting in Holland

08 August 2013 // Amsterdam, Netherlands

Deanna and I could have very easily missed this amazing cheese shop hidden in a corner- but we didn’t and we were rewarded with some amazing old goat cheese.

#221 Prague

09 August 2013 // Prague, Czech Republic

Our first day in Prague was a bit rainy, but we still got some amazing views from across the Charles Bridge.

#222 The Astronomical Clock

10 August 2013 // Prague, Czech Republic

One of Prague’s main attractions. Gotta admit, this looks pretty cool. Maybe even a little steampunk.

#223 Hofbrahaus

11 August 2013 // Munich, Germany

My German friends would want me to clarify that 90% of all our beloved German stereotypes come from Bavaria. That said, so does the Hofbrahaus, and it is delicious.

#224 Hiking in the Black Forest

12 August 2013 // Schwarzwald, Germany

Got lost a few times, but even those were rewarded with some really amazing views. The Black Forest is huge!

#225 Deep in Deutschland

13 August 2013 // Schwarzwald, Germany

Along the way to Andrea’s parents house, we stopped by this gorgeous village. Unfortunately, I don’t really remember its name, but it’s somewhere along the Black Forest and it’s awesome.

#226 Mercedes Benz Tour

14 August 2013 // Stuttgart, Germany

Went to Stuttgart to reunite with Bianca and Ines! We also got a neat tour of the Mercedes Benz museum, which had this odd interactive feature.

#227 Into the Swiss Woods

15 August 2013 // Kölliken, Switzerland

Deanna and I went out for a nature walk/bike ride with the kids of her old au pair. These two were a blast to hike and play football with, even though I never understood a word of their Swiss German.

#228 Liechtenstein

16 August 2013 // Vaduz, Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein is probably the most obscure country I’ve been to, but it’s also one of the most gorgeous. Awesome day trip with Deanna and Juliette!

#229 Escaping Zurich

17 August 2013 // Zurich, Switzerland

Unfortunately, I’ll have to go with Zurich as my least favorite European city- namely for being extremely expensive and almost impossible to get out of by bus when we needed to.

#230 Backtracking: Munich

18 August 2013 // Munich, Germany

We were able to make it out of Zurich and that got us back to Munich. Again, however, it was on a Sunday when the city shut down. We did go on a nice walk in the park, though.

#231 Return to Prague

19 August 2013 // Prague, Czech Republic

Our big backtrack to get back towards London took us through another familiar city- Prague. Didn’t mind getting more Czech food at all.

#232 Mannekin Pis

20 August 2013 // Brussels, Belgium

While I was unimpressed by Brussels my first two times in the city, for some reason I had a really good time exploring now, and I admire its quirks so much more.

#233 Brussels From Above

21 August 2013 // Brussels, Belgium

Deanna and I climbed a parking garage to get a good view of the Atominium, and found a great view for the entire city as a whole.

#234 The Pub Hunt

22 August 2013 // London, England

Dee and I wanted to hunt down a proper pub experience for our last full day in London. Unfortunately, none of the pubs served food as well.

#235 Full English Breakfast

23 August 2013 // London, England

Beans, sausages, black pudding- whole deal. Dee and I got breakfast with Tim before we’d have to head back to the USA.

#236 Wall of Spice

24 August 2013 // Ventura, California

Went spice smelling with Matt and Sam in Ventura on our way driving up to Santa Barbara.

#237 The Naughty Pelican

25 August 2013 // Goleta, California

I went to Goleta Pier by myself for some quiet time and while I was there, this huge pelican kept trying to steal bait and practically picked fights with a few groups of kids.

#238 Bo on the Go

26 August 2013 // Fremont, California

This one was pretty excited for mine and Matt’s road trip up north. Nobody told him that he was only going as far as Fremont.

#239 Ethiopian Food with Ryan

27 August 2013 // Oakland, California

Paid Ryan a visit while passing through Oakland for an evening. We had the chance to go out one night for some Ethiopian food.

#240 Avenue of the Giants

28 August 2013 // Ukaiah, California

While driving up to Portland, Matt and I made sure to stop for all the pretty things on the way up, and that meant spending some quality time with the big old Sequoias up the 101

#241 Redwoods State Park

29 August 2013 // Redwoods National Park, California

Just before crossing the California-Oregon border, Matt and I took another pit stop at another State Park- this time, Redwoods, which boasted some amazing nature and some of the freshest air I’ve ever breathed.

#242 Next Adventure Bargain Basement

30 August 2013 // Portland, Oregon

Met up with Menekşe in a store I could’ve spent hours in. Next Adventure was my kind of outdoor supplies shop, and their bargain basement really was full of deals. Plus that backpack wall was pretty awesome.

#243 Sauvie Island

31 August 2013 // Portland, Oregon

Got to spend some time out in the sun on Sauvie Island- beaching with Sonny, Kathleen, and Matt.


JULY 2013


#182 Reunited with Tim

01 July 2013 // Potters Bar, England

Been nearly a year since I’d last seen Tim! Feels a bit strange to have the tables turned with him hosting me in the UK instead, but it’s great to be reunited.

#183 St. Alban’s Cathedral

02 July 2013 // St. Albans, England

Tim took me on a day trip to St. Albans, a neat town centre not too far from Potters Bar. Had a good look around the shops, the pond, the park, and the quirky cathedral.

#184 Cambridge

03 July 2013 // Cambridge, England

Spent the day exploring Cambridge, its many campuses, museums, streams, and classic streets. Then watched a little Wimbledon at a small, local pub.

#185 An English 4th of July

04 July 2013 // Potters Bar, England

They do have 4th of July in England, just like the old riddle says. This is my second 4th of July spent outside the US, but England is far more ironic than Italy.

#186 Trivia Night

05 July 2013 // Potters Bar, England

Got to compete at a Trivia Night in Cockfosters. While I wasn’t much help for most of the British Pop Culture questions, Tim and I put together a solid tag team for “music” and “flags of the world.”

#187 Big Ben

06 July 2013 // London, England

Spent the day out in London, exploring some of the classic sights with Deanna. It was a good day.

#188 Sensational Southall

07 July 2013 // Southall, England

Got to spend a day in Deanna‘s territory of Southall. It’s like a whole ‘nother country over there from the rest of England.

#189 Kings Cross

08 July 2013 // London, England

This is what Heaven looks like, according to J.K. Rowling. It was part of one crazy travel day into Africa.

#190 Reunited with Nathalie

09 July 2013 // Fez, Morocco

What do you do after a long bus ride to reunite with your cousin in Morocco you haven’t seen in a year and a half?
When it’s 48º outside (that’s 118º F!) you sit on ice packs all afternoon!

#191 The Old Medina

10 July 2013 // Fez, Morocco

Nathalie took me out to the old Medina, which was all kinds of chaos during Ramadan. But we did find a few awesome viewpoints and a great rooftop terrace of a café.

#192 Ahermoumou

11 July 2013 // Ahermoumou, Morocco

Nathalie, Luis, and I got to get out of Fez and do some walking in the smaller, cooler, and more hilly Ahermoumou. When we got lost, a Berber man with a donkey took us in for a feast.

#193 Cous Cous

12 July 2013 // Fez, Morocco

For dinner, our Moroccan friends prepared an amazing cous cous platter which we ate family style before heading on a stroll around town.

#194 Moroccan Flats

13 July 2013 // Fez, Morocco

Had a pretty easygoing last day in Morocco. Laundry took just an hour to dry in the crazy heat.

#195 Last Day in Fes

14 July 2013 // Fez, Morocco

On my last night in Fes, Nathalie‘s tutor and friend Ghali took us out for a night of proper tajine and shisha. He also bought me this awesome cup from the Medina, which is supposedly medicinal.

#196 Stonehenge

15 July 2013 // Amesbury, England

This was quite the sight. Had an awesome road trip over on the way to Bournemouth.

#197 Durdle Door

16 July 2013 // Dorset, England

This easily makes a very short list of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been to. Such a gorgeous road trip along the English South Coast.

#198 Royal Air Force Museum

17 July 2013 // London, England

Got to check out the planes on display at the Royal Air Force museum- a pretty impressive collection of old and modern aircrafts

#199 Norwegian Mountain Climbing

18 July 2013 // Oslo, Norway

Reunited with Eirik for the first time in over a year. What’s one of the first things we do? Climb up this “rock climbing” tent structure at a gas station for the super slide.

#200 Grimstad

19 July 2013 // Grimstad, Norway

Went biking with Eirik to an awesome lake behind his house for swimming, then got to check out the hometown of Grimstad. Great views all over Norway.

#201 Nature Walk up Ravnedalen

20 July 2013 // Kristiansand, England

After exploring Kristiansand, Eirik led me on a nature walk through the woods up Ravnedalen which offered a phenomenal view from the top.

#202 Stuck at Oslo

21 July 2013 // Oslo, Norway

Due to ambiguous explanations about my bus pass, I missed my ride to Copenhagen. Had to ride back and forth from Grimstad, but Norway is not a bad place to get stuck.

#203 Groos

22 July 2013 // Grimstad, Norway

For my last night in Norway, Eirik took me out to one of the good swim and sunset spots around Grimstad- Groos.

#204 Copenhagen

23 July 2013 // Copenhagen, Denmark

After a long day of literally traveling all the way through Denmark, I was rewarded with a wonderful night of exploring Copenhagen thanks to my new bud, Bruce!

#205 Visiting Malmö

24 July 2013 // Malmö, Sweden

Crossed the bridge from Denmark into Malmö, Sweden to reunite with my friend Habib, who I met three years ago at the Vatican. Got treated to a nice tour of the city.

#206 A Travel Day Off

25 July 2013 // Hamburg, Germany

After all of the bus and train rides I’d been on since Norway, I decided staying completely put for a day would be nice, so I camped out at a hostel and took things very easy.

#207 A Rainy Ride

26 July 2013 // Hamburg, Germany

Paul took me out to ride with Critical Mass through Hamburg. Along the way, the rain started to come down real heavily, but we biked through it anyways, which was a blast.

#208 Hamburg

27 July 2013 // Hamburg, Germany

Had an awesome full day exploring Hamburg thanks to Pa Ul! Got to see a lot sailing down the Elbe.

#209 Belgian Respect

28 July 2013 // Brussels, Belgium

Made it to Brussels after a long overnight ride from Hamburg. Took my chances with the city in the hopes that I could quickly find a ticket to London… I did, and only needed to spend a couple hours at the terminal!

#210 Holiday Club

29 July 2013 // Southall, England

Had a great opportunity to help out at Holiday Club at St. George’s in Southall. These kids are fun!

#211 Southall Canal

30 July 2013 // Southall, England

Went on a little walk with Dee to buy some British snacks- various cadbury bars, cheese, cumberland crisps, and a scotch egg. Solid lazy day.

#212 Doodh Patti

31 July 2013 // Southall, England

Deanna and I were treated out to an amazing Afghan meal by Tim and Rachel on her team. This tea was amazing.


JUNE 2013


#152 Write Nights

01 June 2013 // San Diego, California

Talk about an extensive day of writing… about 4,000 words typed out and another 1,500 by hand. But I’ve got a good set up for cranking out this sort of work.

#153 SD Starting Point

02 June 2013 // San Diego, California

Left for Bakersfield right after church, only a block away from the SD Rock & Roll Marathon’s finish line. Amazingly, I escaped almost all traffic, like unleashing a Konami code on San Diego.

#154 Dee and Girls

03 June 2013 // Bakersfield, California

Got to take a bunch of pictures of Deanna’s Bible Study girls out on a photoshoot. Fun bunch!

#155 Tuesday Sundae

04 June 2013 // Bakersfield, California

Spent most of my day in Bakersfield following Deanna around to her different classes, and to her end of the year cru party. We split a sundae.

#156 Welcome to Dewar’s

05 June 2013 // Bakersfield, California

Before leaving Bakersfield, got to get some awesome Dewar’s ice cream with Deanna the Peelers. Love this place, and how the entire store is refrigerated, practically.

#157 Close Call

06 June 2013 // San Diego, California

My gas started dropping dangerously low on the way back from seeing Great Gatsby, and the gas station I was banking on had it’s whole payment system go down when I tried to pay. Found this oasis of relatively cheap gas in the middle of a bunch of expensive stops.

#158 Chocolat Hillcrest

07 June 2013 // San Diego, California

Got dessert with Jeremy before another night writing session. Good creme brulee.

#159 One Year With Deanna

08 June 2013 // San Diego, California

Celebrated my one year anniversary with Dee with a sweet moment exchanging gifts and letters at the Rose Garden, then out for cheese and a nice dinner at Bencotto’s, topped off with Extraordinary Desserts.

#160 Love, Joy

09 June 2013 // San Diego, California

I’ve had the chance to learn a lot about these two things recently.

#161 Rock Climbing Double Date

10 June 2013 // Poway, California

Deanna and I got to go on a double date with Ivy and JB… indoor rock climbing!

#162 Mission Beach

11 June 2013 // San Diego, California

Spent some time with Deanna just walking around Mission Beach, collecting shells and the like.

#163 Off Early

12 June 2013 // San Diego, California

Got off work earlier than I had expected, so I got to enjoy some time just hanging out at Rebecca’s getting some work done.

#163 Lappert’s

13 June 2013 // San Diego, California

Couldn’t pass up on an opportunity for some Dole Whips.

#165 Crab Legs

14 June 2013 // San Diego, California

Got to eat up before a night shift… so crab legs it is. Summer is ever so close.

#166 Quiet In-N-Out

15 June 2013 // San Diego, California

This In-N-Out is usually deserted when I go by. Definitely the quietest In-N-Out I’ve ever seen on a consistent basis.

#167 Red Tailed Hawk

16 June 2013 // San Diego, California

This guy flew into the backyard to catch some rest apparently. Turned that into a little photoshoot.

#168 Parking Lot Push

17 June 2013 // La Jolla, California

Summer will have more officially arrived for me in just one day… and it’s looking like it’ll be a good one.

#169 Grocery Workspace

18 June 2013 // La Jolla, California

Discovered one of the more unusual workspaces I’ve had… this wood floored lounge, complete with side tables, leather armchairs, and TVs playing Dr. Phil. The unlikely location of this psuedo-living room? The corner of a Ralph’s Grocery Store.

#170 Wednesdays at Rebecca’s

19 June 2013 // San Diego, California

One of my recent routines- extended solo writing sessions while camped out at Rebecca’s. My last one for a while, but I got to enjoy a phenomenal iced coffee.

#171 Globetrotting

20 June 2013 // San Diego, California

Packing. This summer is gonna be fun.

World map by Deanna.

#172 Domenic’s

21 June 2013 // Poway, California

Spent my last night in San Diego doing a mother-son dinner with Naomi EstradaJeremy and Kuma Haywood.

#173 Zack & Joanna

22 June 2013 // Bakersfield, California

These two had a wonderful wedding and I wish them the best! I feel blessed I was even able to attend. I haven’t known them for very long at all, but I definitely feel like I have. They’re that welcoming.

#174 Red Brick Oven

23 June 2013 // Bakersfield, California

After church at The Bridge, Deanna and I hung out with her sister, brother in law, and nephew, until we got hungry. Then we paid Red Brick Pizza a visit.

#175 Bakersfield Blaze v. Lancaster Jethawks

24 June 2013 // Bakersfield, California

Took Deanna out on a Minor League Baseball date! Gotta love all of the quirks of the Minor Leagues.

#176 Pyramid Lake

25 June 2013 // Pyramid Lake, California

On the drive between Bakersfield and Carson, I made a spur of the moment decision to pull over at the Vista del Lago exit. That resulted in a fun look around the California Water Exhibit and the lovely Pyramid Lake.

#177 Swimming Lanes

26 June 2013 // Carson, California

Got to do some swimming in the morning with Deanna before picking up Matt at the Metro. Turned out to be a good idea before retaking the GRE in the afternoon.

#178 Visiting Jihyun

27 June 2013 // Harbor City, California

After the day in LA and Griffith Park, we got to spend a little bit of time at the LiNK house visiting Jihyun. Also got to see NicoSarah Palmer, and Andrew Quan!

#179 Fullerton Amtrak

28 June 2013 // Fullerton, California

Dropped Matt off in Fullerton while Deanna and I went from Carson to Upland. Last stop in California before the day of departure!

#180 Mona

29 June 2013 // Upland, California

While making last minute plans for the trip abroad, I had this one keeping me company.

#181 Crossing the Pond

30 June 2013 // Los Angeles, California

Overdue for an update! The flight from LA to London went by incredibly fast. Dee and I had some setbacks upon arrival with technology related things, but overall things have settled well!


MAY 2013


#121 Corner Store Cupcake

01 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Another day of hunkering down at Rebecca’s to get some work done – no complaints.

#122 With Steven in Del Mar

02 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Spent a lunch break catching up with Steven about life back in San Diego.

#123 The Night Shift

03 May 2013 // La Jolla, California

Got off of work close to midnight, which isn’t all that bad. The night time is peaceful around these parts.

#124 Another Awesome Deanna Visit!

04 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Deanna visited San Diego to celebrate my birthday with me this past weekend after throwing an anti-bullying conference the day before. It was an awesome time together.

#125 The 23rd Birthday

05 May 2013 // San Diego, California

This just might’ve been my best birthday yet! Got to spend it with my mom, the Orlina family, Jeremy, theCal West Nomads, and Deanna… awesome people all over the place together under one roof eating mashed potato pizza.

#126 Java Mama

06 May 2013 // San Diego, California

I was in search of a perfect, nearby coffee shop to wrap up a date with Dee. The only non-Starbucks option around was Java Mama. I didn’t read much into the name, and only discovered upon walking in that they were just as Mama as they were Java- their coffee bar overlooked a playground area, complete with dress up costumes, for moms to watch their kids play as they sipped their lattes. We were probably the only non-parents in there, but it was babies + coffee, so Deanna was very happy.

#127 Catch Up With Comstock

07 May 2013 // Isla Vista, California

Had an awesome first day of my Santa Barbara visit by filling it up with catch up dates with so many awesome people I hadn’t seen in quite some time-Ernesto, Comstock, and a good, long, overdue hot tub ession with Matt Lowe.

#128 JK

08 May 2013 // Isla Vista, California

Day two of my week’s visit to Santa Barbara was also full of catching up with wonderful people- Becky, Dr. Enders, Cheri and Marian at Hope, Bridges Dinner, Daniel, and of course, John Kim!

#129 SB Visit Week

09 May 2013 // Isla Vista, California

Another day in Santa Barbara meant another day full of catch up dates! RaquelCody, Chris, and Matt– it was great seeing you all. Hopefully I get another chance to visit again soon, and to see some of the people I missed this time around.

#130 LiNK HQ

10 May 2013 // Torrance, California

I got to visit a certain old office stomping grounds while in Torrance… so awesome seeing everyone again, and all the Nomads back from the road.

#131 The Color Run 5K

11 May 2013 // Irvine, California

I completed my mission of the month for April in training, and had a fun time running the Color Run in OC with Adrianne and Erwin!

#132 Mother’s Day 2013

12 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Took my mom to get some Hawaiian Shave Ice for a Mothers’ Day Treat. She seemed to enjoy it.

#133 New Frames

13 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Finally got a new set of some prescription glasses in the mail, after having my old pair for way too long.

#134 Fish Taco Run

14 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Summer is Fish Taco season. So are Winter, Spring, and Fall. But Summer is Fish Taco season AND Summer, so that’s extra cool.

#135 Underbelly

15 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Got to do lunch with Ivy & Alex at a hip little ramen joint in Little Italy. Good eats.

#136 It’s Mom’s Spaghetti

16 May 2013 // San Diego, California

One of the perks of being back in San Diego… coming back from work to find plates like these to lose yourself in.

#137 Between Shifts

17 May 2013 // La Jolla, California

I’ve got a lot to look forward to. Ready for you, Summer.

#138 Influx

18 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Spent the morning grabbing coffee in Golden Hill, reading, talking to strangers, and taking pics. Love the imbalance of this shot.

#139 View From Bed

19 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Needed some unwind, introvert time in the evening. Twas a success.

#140 A Good Day Off

20 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Twas a good day to go without any plans, enjoy some good food, and lake life a few notches slower.

#141 Café Madeline

21 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Discovered a new crêpe place with Alex Orlina. A bit pricey, but probably because they’ve nailed the French atmosphere of the place to the last detail, and it’s just a Euro to Dollar conversion.

#142 Claire de Lune

22 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Spent most of the day getting some writing done in North Park. Not a bad workspace.

#143 GRE

23 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Took the GRE at San Diego State. One step along the very long grad school process complete. Think I’m happy with how I did.

#144 Champagne Bakery

24 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Got to get a quick lunch before work at this really good, somewhat unsuspecting, dessert spot.

#145 Fireside at Hennesey’s

25 May 2013 // La Jolla, California

Had a bit of a surprise reunion in La Jolla after work. It’s been almost a year since I last saw Allen, Laura, or Nikki. Hennesey’s is a cozy spot.

#146 After Church Cornhole

26 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Got to enjoy a little Memorial Day BBQ in the parking lot after church. That included a little cornhole action.

#147 Scallops

27 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Memorial Day deserves some good food.

#148 Mom’s Photoshoot

28 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Took my mon out for a photoshoot as a belated birthday outing.

#149 The South Park Neighborhood

29 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Thanks to Randall Higgins I got a proper tour of the restaurants and other quirks of one of my favorite parts of San Diego to lurk. Just might look into a place around here this fall.

#150 The North Park Water Tower

30 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Met up with Danny after work next to the North Park Theatre. I’ve always loved water towers… mostly thanks to Animaniacs.

#151 Crumbling Like Pastries

32 May 2013 // San Diego, California

Went back to Champagne bakery because they are that good.


APRIL 2013


#91 Hanging With Rob

01 April 2013 // San Diego, California

Got to spend time with my stepdad, listening to his military stories from Korea. A perk of being back home.

#92 Days of Home

02 April 2013 // San Diego, California

Spent the day mostly camped out at home, trying to explore some prospects for grad school and other things.

#93 LiNK Alum Google Hangout

03 April 2013 // San Diego, California

Hanging on Google with SeanKathleenMichelle, and later Brett and Elaine, and playing “guess that animal skeleton” was a highlight of my day.

#94 Test Prep

04 April 2013 // San Diego, California

Most of what my days have been consisting of lately: looking at jobs, studying for the GRE, scouting out grad schools, running. And coffee. That too.

#95 Jars of Spicy

05 April 2013 // San Diego, California

Went out for Thai food with Ivy. One of my favorites.

#96 Walk Around The Lake

06 April 2013 // San Diego, California

Took a short walk around the lake, one of the things I’ve been enjoying more lately.

#97 Smashburger Run

07 April 2013 // San Diego, California

First time eating at a Smashburger… in my opinion, the burger parody of GameStop. Good food, though. I’d missed American burgers!

#98 Writing Sesh at Lestat’s

08 April 2013 // San Diego, California

Went to the new Lestat’s for a bit of a writing session with Jeremy. Definitely more of these to come.

#99 Oceanside Harbor

09 April 2013 // Oceanside, California

Drove up to Oceanside to spend the evening with my aunts visiting in their time share. Also, Joe’s Crab Shack!

#100 Streets of Oceanside

10 April 2013 // Oceanside, California

Spent the day exploring Carlsbad and Oceanside with my Auntie Ella for her 80th birthday.

#101 Whole Foods Bar

11 April 2013 // San Diego, California

Got a job! Decided to celebrate by reliving tour days and sampling everything at Whole Foods.

#102 Driving The Grapevine

12 April 2013 // Santa Clarita, California

The drive to Bakersfield is a long one, but I love it once I get to the Grapevine. Left early after watching Wreck-It Ralph.

#103 Simon’s Stomp Rocket

13 April 2013 // Bakersfield, California

After dinner at Frugatti’s for Deanna‘s grandmas birthdays, we took a walk out in the park, and Simon got to test out his new stomp rocket.

#104 The Bakersfield Farmers Market

14 April 2013 // Bakersfield, California

Deanna and I went to the Bakersfield Carrot Festival after church, which apparently downgraded to a regular Farmers Market- but its okay, we got roast corn.

#105 Cool Kids Eat Ice Cream

15 April 2013 // Bakersfield, California

After getting pho, Deanna, Riho, Boram, and I decided to be cool kids by getting Thrifty Ice Cream and eating on the street curb.

#106 Clouds Over CSUB

16 April 2013 // Bakersfield, California

Got the chance to explore CSUB’s campus for most of the day while Deanna had class. Also got to catch up with Meaghan and Chris.

#107 Bakersfield Falls

17 April 2013 // Bakersfield, California

Before driving out to Irvine for Catalyst, I had a wonderful morning with Deanna, eating crêpes and taking a walk around the Bakersfield Falls.

#108 Take a Seat & Make a Friend

18 April 2013 // Irvine, California

This was one of the many interesting goings on at the first day of Catalyst.

#109 Catalyst 2013

19 April 2013 // Irvine, California

One of my favorite moments of Catalyst- surprise appearances by Kid President and Rainn Wilson.

#110 Things Are Good

20 April 2013 // San Diego, California

Ben & Jerry’s makes Cannoli Ice Cream. Highlight of my day. Of course, I’m still waiting for them to take my flavor suggestion of “Jack Johnson’s Banana Pancakes.”

#111 Downtown SD on a Sunday

21 April 2013 // San Diego, California

The street corner right behind church sneaks you a pretty sweet view of Petco Park and Downtown San Diego from behind.

#112 La Jolla Shopping Center

22 April 2013 // La Jolla, California

Decided to run a few errands around La Jolla right before work- definitely enjoy getting to the neighborhood a bit earlier to find new places.

#113 New Journal Excitement

23 April 2013 // La Jolla, California

Finished the identical looking journal that I started at the beginning of the year which lasted me through South Africa. Next chapter!

#114 Coffee Shop on the Corner

24 April 2013 // La Jolla, California

Rebecca’s is now one of my favorite coffee shops in San Diego to set up camp for the day and get some work done. If only I lived a little closer to South Park.

#115 Todo Sushi

25 April 2013 // San Diego, California

Convinced my mom to go on a sushi run with me. Spicy Tuna FTW.

#116 UTC Terrace

26 April 2013 // La Jolla, California

Spent a little time just walking around UTC to unwind before work.

#117 Volleyball Serve

27 April 2013 // San Diego, California

Went to the beach clean up with Mosaic- and by beach clean up, I mean they had finished cleaning by the time I got there, so I just had fun.

#118 Mosaic SD

28 April 2013 // San Diego, California

I’ve been going to Mosaic San Diego lately. I’m pretty sure I’ve found a community I’m excited to call home.

#119 Cal West Nomads

29 April 2013 // La Jolla, California

Cal West had a lighter schedule for one day, so I was able to take Chi, Jihyun, and YJ around San Diego a bit, going for pho, out to Pacific Beach, visiting street shops, and getting some Mexican food.

#120 LiNK @ UCSD

30 April 2013 // La Jolla, California

Went out to the UCSD Rescue Team screening of Danny From North Korea… the Cal West Nomads killed it! And that’s two refugees rescued for UCSD. If you haven’t seen Danny From North Korea yet, it’s a must:


MARCH 2013


#60 Another Weekend Dance Party

01 March 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

These girls are always singing, stomping, and dancing. And their song selection is pretty diverse- Rhianna, church hymns, and the South African national anthem.

#61 Saucy Steak

02 March 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Jay took me out for lunch to get a proper South African steak. This one came smothered in Madagascar green pepper sauce, and was fantastic. This + Thai food earlier = first food coma in a while.

#62 Sunday Playtime

03 March 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

There was a lot of hanging out going on in the courtyard after church. And on Sundays, they wear pink.

#63 Simangele

04 March 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Afternoons in the play room… there’s a lot going on.

#64 Neo

05 March 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

One of the oldest guys at the centre. I’ve been mentoring him since arriving. He’s hoping to go to join the Air Force to become a pilot when he’s done with school.

#65 The Little Ones

06 March 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

There’s nothing quite like the unbridled enthusiasm that the kids in the creche shower me with.

#66 The Smoke That Thunders

07 March 2013 // Livingstone, Zambia

Got an awesome view of the spray from the Victoria Falls rising up from my window seat on my flight to Livingstone. This was amazing.

#67 Quiet Livingstone

08 March 2013 // Livingstone, Zambia

Although it’s one of the larger and more known Zambian towns, Livingstone is still quite small and quiet. Definitely a contrast to my part two months in Johannesburg.

#68 Victoria Falls

09 March 2013 // Livingstone, Zambia

This was awesome. I cannot believe I actually got to see this in person.

#69 Behind the Mosquito Net

10 March 2013 // Livingstone, Zambia

After spending my Sunday morning visiting a Zambian church for the local experience, I spent the rest of the day chilling at the hostel. A contributing factor: my shoes, drying out in the window remained wet from the Victoria Falls’ spray.

#70 Fawlty Towers

11 March 2013 // Livingstone, Zambia

Although I had to do the Zambia trip alone, I managed to pick the perfect hostel for meeting cool people- namely some British NGO workers doing neat things.

#71 Mosi Oa Tunya

12 March 2013 // Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Went back to see the Falls- but this time from the Zimbabwean side. I hoped that it would be easy to cross into Zimbabwe, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was as easy as taking a walk.

#72 Chobe National Park

13 March 2013 // Chobe National Park, Botswana

Got to get up close and personal with some elephants, and other wonderful African beasts on a game drive and river cruise in Botswana.

#73 Joburg Return

14 March 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Back to the centre for one final week… ready to take in as much quality time with the kids as possible.

#74 A TOMS Delivery

15 March 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

First time seeing the other side of TOMS’ One for One program when boxes arrived at the centre. Simphiwe and the others are all looking trendy in their new TOMS shoes.

#75 Saturday at the Centre

16 March 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Collins looking on as everyone else kicks around soccer balls. Its some of these ordinary scenes that I’m really going to miss when I leave the centre.

#76 Arts On Main

17 March 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

I FINALLY got to check out Arts on Main’s Sunday Market. In the middle of Joburg’s gritty centre city is the gentrified artsy trendy precinct of Maboneng. A foodie’s dream!

#77 Supporter Supper

18 March 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Probably one of the most chaotic- although fun days at the centre… the supporter supper! Awesome food, great conversations, and some fun performances from the kiddos.

#78 The Guys of 5Cees

19 March 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Leaving the centre is not going to be easy. This is why.

#79 Pastor Mike

20 March 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Pastor Mike Sunker, founder and director of 5Cees, is definitely a hero of mine. Listening to him tell me about his visits to the townships and his plans to move to the centre to spend more time with the kids was super inspiring. Through action, he’s taught me a lot about having vision and being present.

#80 Departures & Arrivals

21 March 2013 // Amsterdam, Netherlands

My favorite part about airports are how the people there are from anywhere and everywhere.

#82 Homecoming Pho

22 March 2013 // San Diego, California

My first meal out upon returning to the US? No big surprise…

#82 Time to Run

23 March 2013 // San Diego, California

Training for the Color Run- first bit of real exercise after almost a year without! Since I can use whatever motivation I can get, I picked up some new running shoes. Appropriately neon enough for the Color Run.

#83 Coffee Shop Walls

24 March 2013 // San Diego, California

Not so fond of working inside the house, so I use that as my excuse to go coffee shop hunting.

#84 Coronado Dinner

25 March 2013 // Coronado, California

Went out for a pretty nice dinner at Coronado with Jeremy and family… great seeing him again!

#85 Morning Run Companion

26 March 2013 // San Diego, California

Ran into this guy while on my morning run at the lake. Not quite as good of a running partner as a dog.

#86 Reunited!

27 March 2013 // Goleta, California

It’s been far too long since I’ve seen either of these two! How to celebrate? Revisiting the site of a great evening hangout, one year before.

#87 The Wurst Double Date

28 March 2013 // Santa Barbara, California

Got to go on a double date with Derek and Holly while in Santa Barbara, and really enjoyed the new sausage restaurant we found on State.

#88 Sriracha Lays

29 March 2013 // Santa Barbara, California

Finally found ’em. I’ve been trying to hunt these down since returning to the USA. How am I suppose to vote for my favorite flavor if I can’t try ’em all? True democracy demands access… also, they were out of the chicken and waffles flavor.

#89 Lake Arrowhead

30 March 2013 // Lake Arrowhead, California

Had an awesome day exploring Lake Arrowhead with Deanna and family. Nature walks, wine tasting… pretty much a blast.

#90 Dorner Family Cabin

31 March 2013 // Santa Barbara, California

Deanna’s aunt and uncle totally spoiled us during our time at the lake. It was pretty wonderful.




#32 Wits University

01 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

I got to walk around and explore Wits University, Joburg’s biggest university. Whether it be my own UCSB, or all the other schools I visited on tour, I’ve missed college campuses.

#33 Fine Town Outreach

02 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Got to participate in a community outreach event in Fine Town- a Johannesburg township where an estimated 500 orphan-headed households are located.

#34 Playtime

03 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Another day in the life of some of my favorite boys. The day’s adventure? It involves an empty garbage bin and an empty stroller.

#35 Pick N Pay

04 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

One of my favorite things to do while visiting another country is to go to the grocery store. Oddly simple, but that kind of gives you one of the better glimpses at everyday life!

On a less ordinary note, to get to the grocery store, I had to drive in opposite traffic for the first time!

#36 Dodgeball, Maybe

05 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Just before dinner, this sport erupted, which seemed to be a mix between cricket, dodgeball, and rugby. Whichever way, it was fun!

#37 New Soccer Table

06 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

The girls’ dorm just got a new foosball table donated!

#38 Urban Environment

07 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Spent most of a calmer, quieter day within the centre. Pretty relaxing.

#39 Solomon

08 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

If I’m allowed to admit to having favorites, Solly is one of them! It’s probably partly because he has an obvious best friend and partly because every time he sees me, he yells my name from across the center, smiles real big, and doesn’t really have much more to say after that.

#41 HTC Bramley-8498721538.jpg

#40 The 5Cees Dance Party

09 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

A random dance party erupted in the centre. I definitely approve.

#41 HTC Bramley

10 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Ajith took me to the church where he is a pastor, out in Bramley, a much quieter Joburg suburb.

#42 Elias

11 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Elias: Take a picture of me to put online for the American girls.

Alright, Elias.

#43 Wimpy

12 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Got my first taste of South African fast food… the Steak, Egg, & Chips combo at Wimpy, while waiting for my flight to Cape Town.

#48 Table Mountain-8498717912.jpg

#44 Bo-Kaap

13 February 2013 // Cape Town, South Africa

Bo-Kaap is Cape Town’s Malay Quarters, basically a gentrified township. Its close-knit Muslim community and these awesomely colored houses give it a lot of personality.

#45 Castle of Good Hope

14 February 2013 // Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town’s oldest standing building. It’s quite large, and from the top, you get a really good view of the city. Spent a good amount of time exploring this yesterday.

#46 Penguin Watching

15 February 2013 // Simon’s Town, South Africa

I took the train south to Simon’s Town and spent my day hanging out with the penguins at Boulders Beach. Day well spent.

#47 St. James Beach

16 February 2013 // St. James, South Africa

I took the train and got a hop on/hop off pass which allowed me to visit every stop on the way to Simon’s Town. St. James had one of the better beaches, and fun looking booths.

#48 Table Mountain

17 February 2013 // Cape Town, South Africa

I got to take a cable car up to the top of Table Mountain. Some amazing views from up top.

#49 Cape Town

18 February 2013 // Cape Town, South Africa

‘Twas my last full day in Cape Town. One last chance to visit all my fave spots, and to eat at my favorite food places once more. I’m gonna miss it!!

#50 Greenmarket Square

19 February 2013 // Cape Town, South Africa

Glad I put off buying most of my souvenirs up until the very last minute… the open air market in Greenmarket Square gives you the proper haggling experience.

#51 Back at the Cente

20 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Getting back into the swing of things in Joburg. It’s good to be with the kids again.

#52 Jozi Boyz

21 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

I missed my Joburg crew, and my Joburg crew missed me. Back to hanging with these dudes.

#53 Back Alley Sports

22 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

I’ve learned about 40 variations of games you can play with a back alley and a soccer ball, thanks to spending time at 5Cees.

#54 Photobombing with the Kiddos

23 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

I’ve been teaching the kids about photobombing. And other valuable life lessons.

#55 BBC Church

24 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

I finally got to go to church at Bryanston, after hearing so much about it and meeting everybody each Wednesday. I felt quite at home. Having an IKEA-like living room helps, of course.

#56 Night Study

25 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

The new evening homework hour isn’t exactly the most popular with the kids at the centre, but we’re going for higher marks!

#57 5Cees

26 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

With less than a month left in South Africa, I’m aiming to make the most of my remaining days at the centre. It’ll nice to be back home, but these kids are gonna be tough to leave.

#58 Amahle

27 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

I’m on a quest to get portraits of all of the kids at the centre. Amahle is on a quest to do some painting.

#59 Margaret & Gugu

28 February 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

These two requested a portrait session while I was hanging out with Sifundo after study hour.




#1 Matt Lowe

01 January 2013 // Fremont, California

Got to reunite with Daniel Santos for the first time in months, then got to reunite with Matt in Fremont en route to Sacramento.

#2 Jelly Belly Factory

02 January 2013 // Fairfield, California

Spent the morning taking a tour of the Jelly Belly factory and sampling the beans. Also, their fudge.

#3 Exploring Sacramento

03 January 2013 // Sacramento, California

Spent the evening exploring Old Town Sacramento with Chris and Deanna, then went into Downtown Sac for dinner with CaytlinApril, and Shannon.

#4 Downtown Sac

04 January 2013 // Sacramento, California

Before leaving on our drive back down to Santa Barbara, Deanna and I went into Downtown Sacramento for coffee at Broadstreet. Reminded me a lot of Portland.

#5 The Dargan's Text Messaging Festival

05 January 2013 // Santa Barbara, California

My first full day back in Santa Barbara was reunion filled. This is what going to a bar will be like in 2013.

#6 Rain on State Street

06 January 2013 // Santa Barbara, California

After going to church at Hope for the first time in months, Deanna and I got lunch at Mac's with Mandyand Arumi before I had to take her to the Amtrak station.

#7 Return to Isla Vista

07 January 2013 // Isla Vista, California

Spent the day catching up with a TON of people. Best way to visit. Also spent the morning out by these cliffs. Miss doing that every morning.

#8 It's Gabe!

08 January 2013 // Goleta, California

Spent the afternoon catching up with Gabe and loitering around KMart a couple times. 'Twas a good day loaded with catch up sessions.

#9 The Burger Bus

09 January 2013 // Goleta, California

Before leaving Santa Barbara for Bakersfield, I got to finally catch the Burger Bus and had lunch withDaniel.

#10 The Bakersfield Canals

10 January 2013 // Bakersfield, California

I got to wander through Bakersfield a bit whileDeanna was in class today. Discovered this little area.

#11 Cafe Crêpes

11 January 2013 // Bakersfield, California

Deanna showed me one of her favourite Bakersfield secrets, this tucked away crêpes restaurant. We got to have lunch with Meaghan Lingo!

#12 Sequoia Subaru Picnic

12 January 2013 // Sequoia National Forest, California

Dee and I spent part of our day together in Bakersfield by venturing far out into the Sequoia National Forest for a picnic. It was chilly out, so the picnic went down inside her Subaru.

#13 LiNK House Visit

13 January 2013 // Harbor City, California

On my drive from Bakersfield, I got to pay a visit to the LiNK house and see Menekşe, Christina, Chi,JihyunSusieSarah, and the new class of nomads/interns.

#14 South Africa Packed-8383101030.jpg

#14 South Africa Packed

14 January 2013 // San Diego, California

Spent the day running last minute errands and getting everything all packed up for South Africa. Rand, malaria pills, and a whole lotta reading.

#15 Pomegranate with Ivy

15 January 2013 // San Diego, California

On my last night in the U.S., I went with Ivy to a Russian-Georgian restaurant with a poetic menu, a spicy chocolate sauce, and flecks of pomegranate in everything.

#16 Boarding at JFK

16 January 2013 // Jamaica, New York

It's pretty dark and cold out in New York. Fortunately, I never had to leave the airport.

#17 Amsterdam Layover

17 January 2013 // Amsterdam, Netherlands

While I didn't have enough time on my layover to get out and actually see Amsterdam, the airport is odd and interesting enough to keep me occupied for a while.

#18 First Day at the Centre

18 January 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

My first full day at the centre was a slow and quiet one. Everybody expected me to be pretty much resting after two full days of traveling, so I took them up on the offer.

#19 Rainy at Rosebank-8410078011.jpg

#19 Rainy at Rosebank

19 January 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

I went to the mall to get some groceries and other supplies. So far, it's been all rain while I've been in Joburg.

#20 HCC Beat

20 January 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

I went to church at Hillbrow Christian Church, which conveniently shares its initials with Hope Community-Church Santa Barbara. One slight difference, though, is that some of the worship is in Zulu.

#21 Football at 5Cees

21 January 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Some of the kids invited me to play football with them at the centre. I hope they thought I was letting them win. I wasn't.

#22 Mitchell Street

22 January 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Atop the teenage boys' dormitory at the centre, you can get a pretty good view of Mitchell St. One of my favourite perches for people watching.

#23 Pap for Dinner

23 January 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Although I've had pap a few times now and am pretty used to it, the kids can't resist asking me if I've ever had it before and if I eat it every time.

#24 Afrikaans Study

24 January 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Bonani asked me for help with his Afrikaans homework. While I'm not really qualified due to my not-speaking-Afrikaans-at-all, we figured out how to write out sentences, use the words you know, dictionary the rest, and rearrange for grammar.

#25 Kids in the Hall

25 January 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

These kids are absolutely fascinated with whatever it is I do. They're also constantly playing in the hallway outside my door, so every trip to and from my room consists of interacting with my Zulu fan club.

#26 The Great African Steps

26 January 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Elias and I went on a walk around Hillbrow, and went all the way to Constitution Hill. I got to look at the Great African Steps on the back.

#27 Johannesburg

27 January 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Neo and I went on a walk to Killarney Mall, and on the way stopped by The Views, a nature reserve named after this panoramic it provides.

#28 The Kresh

28 January 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

I swung by the Kresh (preschool) yesterday to help Teacher Magret move some books to the library. The kids were a mix of happy and confused to see me there.

#29 Olwethu

29 January 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

Olwethu is three-and-a-half. She's one of the newest girls at the centre. I got to take her portrait, and several of the other new kids' yesterday.

#30 Letters to South Africa

30 January 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

I got a lovely treat in the mail today... two letters! I didn't even know I could get mail here. Thanks Deanna and Elaine! EWu, I'll try to put that emergency Vietnamese money to good use. Vietnamese grape soda...

#31 Letters to South Africa 2.0

31 January 2013 // Johannesburg, South Africa

You guys! More letters keep coming in. I have the kindest friends. Thank you Sean Ferry and Carolina Maldonado, as well as Catherine Lieu, whose card I just received. These mean so much to me!