#50 Cured Egg Yolk
19 February 2020 // San Diego, California
What do you do when you strike a creative rut?
Tell me if this sounds relatable. One day you’re firing on all cylinders. Your creative juices are flowing. It seems like you can’t put your ideas to paper quickly enough. You’d stay up all night working if you could.
But you can’t.
Then the next day comes. And suddenly, you’re stuck. Where does this story go next? What happened to all those ideas from yesterday? Why does this blank page just want to stay blank?
You’re not crazy for feeling like this. A few years ago, I got really curious about the idea of biorhythms. It’s a theory that different mental, emotional, and physical areas of your life ebb and flow. Some days your creative muscles are ready and able. But those other days…
It would be great if we could just wait around for our biorhythms or whatever to cooperate, but what happens when you need to constantly create things?
Let me share a few of my best tricks on how I stay inspired to create.
First, whenever an idea strikes, I capture it.
If I hear about an idea, from a friend, or a podcast, or a book that I can’t stop thinking about, I make sure to write it down somewhere. Oftentimes, the moment when these ideas strike are quite removed from the moment when you have a chance to sit down and start writing or creating something. When I do get to sit down, I want to be able to simply pull up the note of all the different things that have caught my attention.
I get a lot of ideas when scrolling through social media. So I take screenshots of links. I bookmark Tweets. On Instagram, I have quite a library of saved posts, from places I want to eat in town, to good quotes, and captions from others that made me think.
It’s like how before you cook a meal, you want to have all the ingredients ready, first.
A lot of people try to come up with ideas at the same time they try to write. And it’s so much harder that way. That’s why writers block is such a common thing. Ideas strike at the most random times. If you capture them well, then when it’s time for you to do the work, you just need to pop open your notebook and see what ideas are waiting for you.
It’s like opening your fridge and having a sense of what you have to work with for dinner. It’s just better than having to take the extra effort of going to the market each and every time.
Second, I write every night.
I journal every night before bed. And there aren’t really any rules as to what goes in my journal, just as long as I’m taking the time to write. Sometimes- hang on a sec-
This isn’t honest. I don’t use a notebook. I use Google Docs on my phone.
That’s better.
I’ll write about the day, but other times, I’ll just play with random ideas. About philosophy. About marketing. About anything really, whatever I need to let out of my head.
There’s no pressure to write well, or beautifully, since this won’t really make it past me. Unless I want it to. And a lot of times that ends up happening.
If I simply get out some thoughts and they never again see the light of day, then the exercise of thinking and writing alone is worth it. But quite often, I go back to these drafts. And sometimes they become the first iteration of something bigger.
Finally, I’ve traded entertainment for inspiration.
If at the end of a long day, you just need to put on Netflix to space out, there’s nothing wrong with that! Consuming series, movies, or books for pleasure is often talked down upon by creatives, as a reason why you’re not productive.
But, I’ve found that while I’m relaxing and taking in a story somebody else has created, I’m often challenged. I often feel strong emotions. I get new ideas.
I think of films like Parasite. Shows like Unbelievable. Books like Pachinko. These things entertained me. But they also inspired me. They had complex themes and raised as many questions as they answered. And they were entertaining at the same time.
It’s less about whether or not you watch, but how much you watch. And what you choose to watch.
This isn’t a perfect formula, but these are simple practices that help me keep up my creative flow. Thanks for watching, sign up for the newsletter below.
Remember, when compassion meets creativity, amazing things happen.