#284 Banyon Condo
11 October 2021 // San Diego, California
I haven’t used Facebook in ages. There are a gazillion reasons why, but the top few posts I see are by an old co-workers wife, some musician’s ad, a cousin, a distant aunt, a local news story, a Catholic news story, a sweater company, and a friend I haven’t spoken to in 3 years.
These are not my close friends, nor does this resemble a group that I think would make for an interesting group hangout. The app doesn’t really deliver on its original promise.
I’m not someone who thinks that social media is all evil. A lot of my coolest opportunities can be traced to the connections I’ve made over social media, especially Insta, which is still in the Facebook family.
It’s just a powerful technological tool that’s very new to the world.
I think of the story of how at one of the earliest moving pictures, the audience fled the theatre to escape the on screen train…
That’s probably an urban legend, but I love the image because we are barely past that stage of infancy when it comes to social media as a communication tool.
While I don’t think social media is inherently bad, I’m a lot less trusting of the social media companies. You can read up on a lot of the recent whistleblower stuff for a taste of it, but I’m not so surprised by the recent reveal.
When things become pay-for-play, the icky stuff starts happening. When the motivation for profit goes up, the quality of the platform and the safeguards against bad behavior go way down.
Our lives are so intertwined with social media now that detaching from it altogether is unfeasible for most people. And for most of us- probably anyone invested enough to make it thus far, we’ve determined that at a personal level, the pros outweigh the cons.
But there are still some things we can do to be less dependent on a corporation that hasn’t proven trustworthy.
For me, that main thing has been not concentrating all my activity on a single platform.
If you’re in the position where the ability to use social media is a necessity to share the things you create, find a method to adapt a piece of content across various platforms, one that lets you get more out of the work you do instead of creating more work for yourself.
If you’re not much of a maker, and prefer to use social media to share personal updates, and to lurk, learn, and get inspiration or entertainment, follow your friends and favorite creators across multiple platforms. Make your own behavior “evacuation friendly.”
While each of the major platforms are guilty of various problems, spreading out your activity makes it easier to detach yourself from one when it’s simply gone too far down the road of distasteful, like Facebook’s flagship site has gone for me.
I’ll admit, it’s not easy to have to build an audience in multiple places, and that makes it tough to hold a platform lightly. I still wonder what happened to some Tumblr peeps from 2009.
That said, when a platform does reach the end of its run, you won’t have to start from scratch if you’ve been cultivating others. My YouTube and TikTok crowds are small but I’m thankful there’s at enough people I catch there.
Of course, email is probably the best online way to become more independent of the social media giants, and it has been for sometime. Those e-newsletters are pretty valuable.
I honestly need to do a better job relaunching my email newsletter. But building one is the best way to keep a connection with your audience without being platform dependent. Signing up for a creator’s newsletter is a great way to be more independent from the social media giants.
Finally, Facebook’s momentary blackout was a good reminder of why it’s valuable to have an online presence that you own… basically your own website. Even if it’s not a fancy one.
My own site has often toggled in between being a blog and a portfolio. I don’t update it like I should, and it gets few visitors. However, it is a space where I can have a decent archive of all my work- from my artwork to my videos to my photo-a-day project.
Even if you just use social media to share your own personal pics and stay connected, don’t use Facebook as photo storage. If nothing else the quality of your pictures will get so badly compressed, but beyond that it’s way too much collateral for them to use to keep you invested.
Anyways, here’s to better social media hygiene. What practices have you changed as you’ve learned more about how the social media sausage gets made?