There are 800 unique confirmed bird species in Guyana alone, but considering that most of the country is made up of some really remote spots where you can go weeks without encountering another human, that number may be well above 1000.
Some, like the cock-of-the-rock (really its name) are only found in Guyana.
The hoatzin, it’s national bird, is a unique creature. It has a smell that leads to it sometimes being called the skunk bird. They aren’t eaten, because they apparently taste terrible. It’s abrasively loud. It’s stomach produces a substance that ferments it’s food as it eats, like a flying cow, and it’s pretty clumsy.
I tried researching and asking around but could not figure out how the hoatzin got the distinction of national bird when there are over 800 candidates. Seems like an unlikely choice. If anyone knows, please enlighten me!