Blackout Tuesday

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“If you’re not working for justice, stop calling for peace.”
—Bernice A. King
If you’re feeling upended by the chaos of this several days, I get it. And I’m not surprised to have read countless calls for peace and prayers for unity.
I’m all for peace and unity. That’s part of the end goal. BUT-
Working towards peace is NOT the same as going back to how things were a week ago, a year ago, five years ago, or decades ago. For people of color, especially our black neighbors, there has never been peace.
So please, keep praying for peace, because I believe that when those prayers are said sincerely, they’re met with a call to justice. And that will mean listening, learning, speaking up, voting, advocating, donating, and creating new systems.
And make room for righteous anger. If God did not want us to ever get angry, he wouldn’t have put anger in our emotional toolbox. Anger is our God-given indicator that our sense of justice has been violated. And in our country, from the very beginning, racial justice has been very much violated.

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