More and Less

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What do you want more of? Less of?

You can’t just keep adding to your life. At a certain point, if you’re going to add certain things, you need to let go of other things.


This has been one of my great, ongoing challenges. Optimism is my default, so I have this huge tendency to always think… yeah, sure, we can say yes to that too. No big deal! I only start to feel it when I realize I’m not quite doing any of the things I signed up for as well as I’d like. But here’s what I’m working on:

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➕More unstructured time. Just open evenings hanging out with Deanna, Rhys, and Beignet and seeing where they take us.

➖Fewer repetitive projects. I’ve already started scaling back things like the frequency of my newsletter, social media content for Plant With Purpose, and my writing schedule, just so I can make higher-quality things with more love and attention.

➕More time outside, more nights spent under the stars, more fresh air, more mud caked shoes, and more nature.

➖Fewer books, fewer movies. But with the goal of choosing the right sources of inspiration and ideas, and consuming them with more attention.

➕More getting out there to meet people. More effort to making sure everyone I spend time around feels seen and valued.

➖Less pressure on myself to get everything done so efficiently. It’s my biggest obstacle to being present for others.

➕More doing the simple things I love- going to overlooked places, discovering human stories that move me, creatively sharing them. Less trying to add things to that equation. If other areas of interest are meant to be in my life somehow, they come back around.

There are just a few things in life that there is always more room for. Love. Adventure. Pho. But mostly, picking something up takes putting something down.