Rev. James Lawson

“Through nonviolence, courage displaces fear; love transforms hate. Acceptance dissipates prejudice; hope ends despair. Peace dominates war; faith reconciles doubt. Mutual regard cancels enmity.”

Rev. James Lawson passed away last summer. John Lewis called him the “architect of the non-violence movement.” He was very much the strategist of Civil Rights.

He studied nonviolent resistance in India and Africa before returning to the U.S. to attend theological seminary.

In one of his last public statements, Lawson determined, “the U.S. must experience a series of nonviolent campaigns that will make what we did in the 20th century look tiny and small and calm in comparison… I can’t try to pretend what all those campaigns ought to be and can be, but … they must be deeply connected with … the deep strategies and philosophies and behaviors of nonviolence that came out of the ‘60s.”