Rhys' First Easter

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Rhys’ First Easter! Of course this one feels a bit different.

What does it mean to celebrate resurrection and the idea of new life in the middle of a global pandemic?

I wrote a little something for the Plant With Purpose blog. It’s a more personal piece than my usual work there. (See that link in my bio, friends) This week we’ll launch a campaign on how to help our rural communities after COVID but today’s post is about what they’ve taught me. As agriculturalists, they understand very well how when something dies and goes into the ground, it can give way to the emergence of new life.

What new world can be born from the end of the old one?

I hope we never stop making a priority out of considering the safety of our more vulnerable friends and neighbors. The elderly, the poor, the immunocompromised.

I hope we learn to look at the people stocking the shelves at our grocery store, growing our coffee in Tanzania, or keeping the floors of our hospitals sanitary as dignified and essential.

I hope we rediscover the virtue of cooperation instead of an us-versus-them approach.

I believe we can be better after all this.

We’re resurrection people, after all.

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