
28 Soul.JPG

don’t cry very often, but a disproportionate amount of times I tear up are at animated movies. Some of them just play to the feels. Here’s my reaction to Soul.

First of all- I loved it. And I’m not surprised by that at all. Pete Docter and the Pixar crew taking on existential questions about life’s purpose featuring a bunch of jazz? Yes please!

My main takeaway from watching this was that a lot of us spend our days waiting for our “big break,” whatever that means for us- and it’s tempting to think that this is when our lives will really get good. Really, life is made up of ordinary but still sacred moments. Having a passion is a good thing, but it’s not really our purpose.


My favorite was the barbershop scene, featuring someone whose dreams didn’t work out but who still found a way to love his life. It reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend who took a big risk to launch a music career. “I’ve had to ask myself if I’m willing to accept what happens if this dream doesn’t come true,” she told me.

Sometimes I get tempted to keep holding back until I get a “big break” which is kinda silly, given that I’ve already had a few of my wildest hopes come true. But I’ve been on this journey for a few years of trying to focus less on results and to love the process more. This year was a great teacher.

Did you see Soul yet? What did you gain from it?