Ten years ago this month, my world was hit by twin tragedies. A vehicle collision took three lives in my community. They were finishing a tour I had gone on just two years prior. Then a mass shooting took place at my alma mater, one of the deaths being blocks from my old house, at the convenience store I went to often.
It was the worst way to kick off that summer, but in response I declared it would be a summer of kindness. Whatever that meant.
It turned out to be a summer for healing and some of the best memories of my life. I met a stranger in Korea who met the three souls. They inspired him to go there and help North Korean refugees. I was welcomed into a refugee camp in Thailand. I saw my grandma one last time at 96 years old. I introduced her to Deanna. I went to Japan and Taiwan, seemingly to end the rugged backpacker chapter of my life. I watched the World Cup final at 2AM in a Taipei market next to hostel friends from all over the planet. I saw bison in Montana up close. At the end of it all, I got engaged.
That summer started with senseless loss. And it continued to not make sense, but in other ways. Hospitality that went beyond reason. Kindness that went beyond common sense. Serendipitous encounters that were too incredible to be coincidence.
If you were in any way a part of my summer 2014, well, thank you. Thank you.