The Next Right Thing

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Somehow these days everything feels like a series finale except for the fact that it all also feels endless. Large parts of California are still on fire. Virus cases are spiking again. Injustice is suffocating.


My biggest lifeline these days has been to just focus on the day ahead. I love the phrase “the next right thing.” Seems like such a simple concept but maybe it’s simplicity makes it a bit too easy to overlook its importance.

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The thing about the “next right thing?” It can be a completely different thing from one day to the next.


For me, one day it’s putting pen to paper, figuring out the words to write that can help people process a very difficult thing that just happened.

Another day it’s bringing up a challenging conversation with a loved one that would be easier to avoid.

Some other day it’s spending hours playing MLB The Show- the only way I get to see the Phillies in the playoffs. Never thought I’d be into video games like I’ve been this year, but it’s part of learning how to rest.

Another day it’s putting work and creative projects on the backburner, having fun with Rhys and listening to Tagalog children’s songs together.

And the past few days it’s been pitching our tent in state parks and public lands, cooking gumbo over a pocket stove, and splashing in a cold creek.

It’s not over yet! You can say those words with an exhausted voice or a determined voice, but you’re still here. What’s your next right thing?