When We Found Out
On Thursday we had our final doctors visit, which made it easy to think back to the first time we went in.
When we first found out we were pregnant, I didn’t really let myself believe it for a while.
Deanna showed me the positive test. I tried to remember... was it that you can get a false negative but not a false positive, or was it the other way around?
That evening, she got a blood test- totally by coincidence, since her leg was broken. That too, was positive.
But I didn’t want to get my hopes up. I wanted somebody with fancy letters after their name to let me know that this was for real for real for real.
And so two days later, we went in for our first OB appointment. They did an ultrasound. He was the size of a rice.
And I wanted to tell the world, but that would have to wait a few months. So many things that normally felt like a big deal felt silly on a day when I heard my kid’s heart for the first time. Whenever things seem to be getting chaotic or out of hand, I still take myself back to that day to remember what really matters.