OBJECTIVE: Create a user-friendly visual guide that shows how Plant With Purpose’s environmental efforts are helping to eradicate poverty around the globe
One of the things that makes Plant With Purpose unique as an environmental organization is the significant, measurable impact that its programs has on global poverty.
For a long time, environmental work and poverty alleviation have been seen as separate activities, while the two are in reality deeply linked.
This booklet was created as an intentional effort to help better communicate how this works in the organization’s international programs.
The booklet was printed in 16 pages of full color, measuring 5x7. This size made it ideal for displaying landscape and panoramic images, containing rich text content, and providing room for the design to breathe.
This size also made it practical for use as a handout during events or as mailing material for Plant With Purpose’s community of donors.
Millions of families around the world worry about school fees, housing, and having enough to eat.
Joy and Joesf’s family used to be one of them.
Not anymore.
Poverty is a nuanced topic, and part of Plant With Purpose’s approach involves looking beyond income level as an indicator of poverty. In the context of overexploited countries, things like the materials of one’s home, meals eaten per day, and health of one’s soil are also important indicators. Plant With Purpose focuses on twelve relevant factors to form a mutli-dimensional poverty index.
I combined pairs of related datasets (ie. nutritional balance and meals eaten per day) under one underlying theme for each two page spread. In addition, I tried to represent the spectrum of countries where Plant With Purpose works. At the time, only Burundi was omitted, but images from the Central African country were included elsewhere in the booklet.
For a piece that was focused on a presentation of data, I wanted the material to appeal to both head and heart. Opposite pages that included data and textual descriptions, I opted to include large, full page photos, and direct quotes from the people pictured related to the theme of the spread. Quotes were handwritten in various styles of penmanship, adding an organic touch to the piece.
Smaller, secondary images were lightly featured in the background of the text page.
The final images of this booklet included an illustrated two page spread of what it looks like when families in a community grow out of poverty together. It transforms both human development and environmental conditions. The booklet closed with high quality images of Burundi and a brief descriptor of Plant With Purpose’s mission.