Books for Goodbyes (1) 2.GIF

My reading list over the past month seemed to revolve around the themes of grief, saying goodbye, and choosing life in spite of it all.

Each of these was a book I anticipated for quite a while; two by Asian American authors, another by an old favorite.


I don’t exactly know how to describe what makes Jonny Sun’s writing so incredible, or how it manages to be both so funny and honest in its simplicity and melancholy, but it does all that (see his ranking of the last fifteen minutes before the end of the world) and anchoring this collection of thoughts around the theme of moving made it all the more relatable.


Reading @agedungs graphic memoir chronicling the loss of his partner felt so deeply personal, yet I loved the way his journey was interwoven against the life stories of surfing pioneers who found the hobby as a solace of joy during an imperialist moment.


The Midnight Library had been on my list since I heard it announced. In many ways it seemed like a spiritual successor to @mattzhaig’s How To Stop Time, which is an all time fave. I love any piece of art that makes you feel deeply grateful to be alive.