Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. It’s a cause important to me all throughout the year, but right now... wow. I have never seen such a shared, collective struggle with grief and anxiety like what I’ve seen one person after another express. And I’m sure there are plenty of others beyond those who have put it into words.
Hope doesn’t always mean that you feel optimistic about the future. Hope means that you choose to see it through.
When you’re in a crisis- sometimes the most important thing you can do is simply find the thing that gets you to the next day. Two years ago, we were struggling with both health and our journey to become parents, and it felt like we were just stuck with nothing to look forward to. That’s when I learned what hope really looks like. It’s not naively keeping your chin up. It’s more like that repeated action of getting up to do what the day asks of you, when the weight of everything pushes against you.
I want to tell you to stay hopeful. I believe in hope. But I also know that on some days, hope is a tall order. So on those days, just try to stay curious. You never know what’s going to happen next.
Give yourself a chance to be surprised by what’s possible.
Today, with the sky a bright orange and bad news swirling, I thought I’d share some of the things I sometimes have to remind myself when it’s really hard to feel good about where things are going. They’ve been lifelines for me. They might not be one-size-fits-all, but I’m sharing in hopes that the right one lands with the right person at the right time. And for those who need some immediate help some resources too.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 18002738255 // Crisis Talk Line: Text TALK to 741741 // In the UK: Text SHOUT to 85258 // The Trevor Project: 8664887386 // Trans Lifeline: 8775658860 // Find free or affordable help near your ZIP Code at
Hold on to what you need. Maybe it’s the reminder that this too shall pass.
Change is a constant. You’ve faced daunting situations before that today feel like a distant memory. One day, this will too.
Maybe it’s the thought of other people whose lives are better because you’re around. People you wouldn’t even expect.
Think of all the people who make the world better and more beautiful because of the way they live. Think of someone who may never know how much better they make your life, even if you could try telling them. You most likely make a far bigger impact on people than you realize. And there are still more people ahead who will be transformed by knowing you. Your presence matters.
Maybe it’s the beautiful life that others have lived.
Think of all the people you’ve met around the world who have overcome so much. War. Disease. Disasters. Tragedies. People are incredibly resilient. So many of them have been generous in sharing their stories with you. They can help you connect with your own inner reserves of strength.
Maybe it’s surrendering to something bigger than yourself.
It’s not on you to save the world. It’s good to care- but you’ve got to remember that many of its problems exist because of an inability to tell the difference between too much and enough. To do your best, stay true to your convictions, and serve a purpose bigger than yourself. That is enough.
Maybe it’s the memory of overcoming past obstacles even when they seemed impossible.
You can’t deny that pattern in your life where some of your biggest breakthroughs have come just after long, dry, and difficult seasons. Keep going. You never know what good thing waits just around the corner.