Octavia Butler

A few months ago I did a bit of a reading immersion into Octavia Butler’s work.

It was my first time reading her books but I’d known for a while that I needed to.

I started with Kindred which let me know how skilled of a writer she was, keeping the pace of the novel flowing and bringing the character’s inner processes to life.

Then I got to the Parables series and that was a look at the level of visionary she was in her writing.

The crafting of a world ravaged by climate change, a plague, war and lawlessness, and a United States that has clung to an authoritarian leader pandering to religious nationalism and a nostalgia for past “greatness” seemed too spot on for a book written nearly 30 years ago.

Here’s a PSA to stop putting off diving into the works of a writer, filmmaker, or creator you’ve always wanted to.