Loving This Guy


Kind of a big week for us...

Rhys started daycare this week!

It kind of marks the end of a year-plus of working from home while juggling baby chasing, getting an absurd amount of things done during nap times and early in the morning to make up for the rest of the day, and random midweek dad dates of scouting out the best playgrounds or walking spots.


The whole time we knew that wasn’t sustainable but if soldiers bond in trenches, so can new dads and one year olds. I knew while it was happening that the day would come that I look back at it nostalgically. Thursday afternoon playground visits. Bluey episodes to buy me time to send emails. Just watching him grow up!


I’m proud of us, for doing what it takes to pull off this past year and putting our family first. And I love this guy so, so much. Not even in the way that I’m “supposed to” being his dad and all. I just straight up think Rhys is great. I love all this personality that’s emerging, the strength of will, and the adaptable spirit.

You’re gonna light up that 6 months to two years caterpillar room!
