This Chapter Ending

I love this guy so much and we’ve been getting so much personality lately. It feels like the moment we moved houses he went from having just a handful of favorite words to becoming a total chatterbox and storyteller.

We’re all excited for the twins to get here and for Rhys to be a big brother. I know he’ll be fantastic at it and at least three times a day he asks for the Daniel Tiger book about being a big bro. At the same time, I know a chapter is coming to a close. I love this dude AND I miss the littler guy I used to be able to tuck under my arm like a rugby ball.

Rhys’ baby stage came at a pretty chaotic time for the world, and at a time of so much personal growth and evolution for us. But the quiet moments of trying to stretch out a few more minutes of sleep cradling him on the couch, of watching Bluey and Tagalog baby songs together, of putting work on pause to romp around a park, of Washington and Arizona, or of long neighborhood walks meant everything.