Inspired Kingdoms | The Mesoamerican Inspirations of Maya and the Three

I’ve been posting a lot of my favorite things I’ve been watching lately, and so it’s likely you’ve seen me name drop Maya and the Three. But I’ve been holding back on getting too into it.

Until now.

If you’re at all interested in the precolonial Americas, especially the legends and beliefs of Aztec and Mayan civilizations, you’ll love the playful way they’re deployed in this adventure.

If you’re an animation fan, I’ve got to highlight the bold, Mayan-codex-meets-comic-book visuals all throughout. Into The Spiderverse is a fair comparison.

If you want a representation win, I’ve got to note how pleased I was to see the Afro-Latino/Caribbean world incorporated… and through one of my favorite characters.

I’ve got to highlight the fact that I love the way this story explored the big theme of death and adventure- not as something stigmatized, but as something that gives the story it’s meaning. A more Mexican perspective I’ve grown to appreciate.

Here’s my deep dive into some of the Mesoamerican roots of Maya and the Three- I loved doing these videos for Raya, and now Maya. Hopefully we keep getting more stories richly immersed in real world cultures.